95920-43800 , 98776-02062 , 98558-81558 [email protected]


Our Value System

  • Establishing an institute of pride and prestige in academic excellence and professional ethics.
  • Channelizing the energy resources in positive & productive directions.
  • Appreciating diversity, equity, and social justice.
  • Liberating learners as well as teachers from ignorance, superstitions, and social evils.

Our Goals

  • To provide qualitative education to both girls and boys as it is a co-educational institute and to provide education irrespective of any caste, creed or religion.
  • To empower the rural as well as urban communities by increasing their access to education and teacher training.
  • To cater to the intellectual needs of students through class lectures, special lectures, student seminars and inter-college academic exchanges via conferences, workshops etc.
  • To bring the hidden talent of the students to the forefront by organizing various types of competitions.
  • To enable the student teachers in the use and application of ICT in teaching and learning.
  • To support excellence in learning, teaching, and career development of staff members.
  • To stimulate the interest of the students towards academic subjects by using audio-visual teaching aids as well as field trips and excursions constituting a multidimensional approach.
  • To develop various skills of teaching including the competency for formulating lesson plans.
  • To develop desirable sensitivity, attitude, values and respect for the environment through science club activities.
  • To steer in social change and nurture human values by participating in community work.
  • To give a platform to the youth to showcase their potential and also to enhance their awareness of the Indian cultural heritage through participation in youth festivals.
  • To provide access to the disadvantaged group by the provisions of fee concession and book bank.

Our Mission

To nurture physical fitness, intellectual enlightenment, social adjustment, cultural refinement, emotional balance, aesthetic sensibility, ethical standards and technological orientation of student-teachers with a view of evolving complete teachers who have the tools to serve as agents for positive changes in a democracy.

Our Motto

Cultivating Teaching Competency

Our Vision

To prepare globally competent versatile teaching personalities by imbibing right attitudes, skills, ideas, ideals and ideologies.